Pharmacists hail NSW Coroner’s call for real-time recording; calls on Health Minister to act

4 Jul, 2014 reference: The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia has welcomed calls by the NSW Deputy State Coroner…

Grant Kardachi relected PSA National President

3 Jul, 2014 reference: Pharmaceutical Society of Australia National President Grant Kardachi has been re-elected for a fourth term. The PSA National Board met…

Woolworths ‘health checks’ criticised by PSA

2 Jul, 2014 reference: Moves by a supermarket chain to provide health checks to consumers within the supermarket environment have been criticised by the Pharmaceutical…

Victorian Branch of PSA announces new leadership team

26 Jun, 2014 reference: The Victorian Branch of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia has completed its Branch elections process with the election of…

WA Branch of PSA elects new Branch Committee and office bearers

26 Jun ,2014 reference: The WA Branch of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia has announced the make-up of its Branch Committee and office…

PSA Branch Committees complete election process

27 Jun ,2014 reference: The State and Territory Branches of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia have completed their Branch Committee elections and the appointment of Office Bearers. The make-up…

NSW pharmacies to support the Pain Management Network

21 Jul, 2014 reference: The Pharmacy Guild of Australia (NSW Branch) is pleased to participate in a new…


9 Jul ,2014 reference: The outstanding success of the trial of pharmacist-delivered…

Victorian branches of Guild and PSA appear before Vic government inquiry into community pharmacy

30 Jun, 2014 reference: Last Wednesday 25th June saw the Victorian Branch Presidents of the Pharmaceutical…

[2014 WPPF/FIP SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS]: Arnold Abhishek Ram From FIJI

  --- It is an honor for me to be granted this prestigious scholarship from WPPF/FIP to attend the FIP congress in Bangkok Thailand this year. Being chosen for the scholarship among the Asia pacific region has given Fiji and its pharmacy…