Immunisation focus at PAC14

15 Sep, 2014 reference: Pharmacist-delivered immunisations are potentially an area of great opportunity for the pharmacy profession with the results of Phase 1 of the Queensland…

WHO launches programme to improve antenatal care in Mozambique

30 Sep, 2014 reference: WHO When Langa*, a nurse at Centro de Saúde de Anchilo clinic in Mozambique, told a group of pregnant women how important it is to come to the clinic for…

The Future of Cancer Detection

29 Sep, 2014 reference: Source:WebNews Spotting cancer early is key, but trying to do that — often when there are no symptoms — has been challenging. Still, more and more evidence…

Antibiotic treatments ‘fail’ 15% of the time

29 Sep, 2014 reference: Source:NHS Choices Antibiotic treatments from GPs ‘fail 15% of the time’," BBC News reports. In one of the largest studies of its kind, researchers estimated that…

ibulletin 140925

25 Sep, 2014 reference: MESSAGE FROM DATUK NANCY HO, PRESIDENT Dear Fellow Pharmacists Today is a special day in our Calendar. Today 25-9-14 pharmacists around…

ibulletin 140922

22 Sep, 2014 reference: WORLD PHARMACISTS DAY: 25TH SEP 2014 Every 25th of September is World Pharmacist Day; a day set aside to honour and appreciates the…

iBulletin 140911

11 Sep, 2014 reference: SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear Members, We are at the threshold of the final quarter of the year and need to quickly try…

[Publication]: Forefront Volume 4 Number 33-36

Forefront is a regular e-newsletter from the Pharmacy Guild of Australia. Subscription is free and – while content is produced with Guild members in mind as the primary audience – open to anyone interested in news and current events…

Draft recommendations bad for community pharmacy and patients

22 Sep, 2014 reference: The Pharmacy Guild of Australia rejects the Competition Policy Review’s…

Guild provides free online CPD activities to support the professional development of pharmacists

16 Sep, 2014 reference: The Pharmacy Guild of Australia is committed to the continuing professional development…