Opportunity to showcase your practice at PAC14

22 Jul, 2014 reference:http://www.psa.org.au/media-releases/opportunity-to-showcase-your-practice-at-pac14 Researchers and practitioners are being given a unique opportunity to showcase their practice through poster and oral presentations at…

Pharmacists working within general practice – the way ahead

22 Jun, 2014 reference:http://www.psa.org.au/media-releases/pharmacists-working-within-general-practice-the-way-ahead The AMA and the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) are working together on the development of a model to better support…

Food and medication interactions – get the real facts from your pharmacist

18 Jun, 2014 reference:http://www.psa.org.au/media-releases/food-and-medication-interactions-get-the-real-facts-from-your-pharmacist A warning by consumer group Choice about the dangers of mixing some foods and drinks with prescription medicines…

Self Care program announces health promotion resources

11 Jul, 2014 reference:http://www.psa.org.au/media-releases/self-care-program-announces-health-promotion-resources-2 The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia’s Self Care program now provides everything a pharmacy needs to run a targeted health…

Opioid report highlights urgency for real-time recording

16 Jul, 2014 reference: http://www.psa.org.au/media-releases/opioid-report-highlights-urgency-for-real-time-recording-2 The need to fast track real-time prescription reporting for some drugs has been given renewed impetus in a study released…

Pharmacists welcome extension of Queensland immunisation trial

16 Jul, 2014 reference:http://www.psa.org.au/media-releases/pharmacists-welcome-extension-of-queensland-immunisation-trial The outstanding success of the trial of pharmacist-delivered flu immunisations in Queensland has led to the Queensland…

Pharmacists hail NSW Coroner’s call for real-time recording; calls on Health Minister to act

4 Jul, 2014 reference:http://www.psa.org.au/media-releases/pharmacists-hail-nsw-coroners-call-for-real-time-recording-calls-on-health-minister-to-act The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia has welcomed calls by the NSW Deputy State Coroner…

Grant Kardachi relected PSA National President

3 Jul, 2014 reference:http://www.psa.org.au/media-releases/grant-kardachi-relected-psa-national-president Pharmaceutical Society of Australia National President Grant Kardachi has been re-elected for a fourth term. The PSA National Board met…

Woolworths ‘health checks’ criticised by PSA

2 Jul, 2014 reference: http://www.psa.org.au/media-releases/woolworths-health-checks-criticised-by-psa Moves by a supermarket chain to provide health checks to consumers within the supermarket environment have been criticised by the Pharmaceutical…

Victorian Branch of PSA announces new leadership team

26 Jun, 2014 reference:http://www.psa.org.au/media-releases/victorian-branch-of-psa-announces-new-leadership-team The Victorian Branch of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia has completed its Branch elections process with the election of…