The Traditional Pharmacy Transformation For New Opportunity and Thought -To Expand Your Market, Perhaps “1+1

26 Apr, 2014

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Date/Issue of Original Article2014/3/17-2014/3/23/藥師週刊第1859期

Article Author(s):藥師林俐妏



The Committee Council of Community Pharmacies Association is organized by visiting Kaohsiung Bridge pharmacy activities.

Essay/Pharmacist: Lin, Li-Wen

On February 25, they organized the Federation Committee on Community Pharmacies, Bridge pharmacy for a visit in Kaohsiung for new activities. Besides, Southern Association of Community Pharmacy main and sub committee. For the members in the community pharmacies of the committee council, they come from Taipei, even come from Tai-Tung, Hualien , Kaohsiung with long distance to visit the Bridge pharmacies. We feel the future development of the community pharmacies that has a positive learning with enthusiasm. The pen-friend will visit the process to share the experience with all of you.

Firstly, the evolution of the Japanese pharmacies, we focus on the next step for operating a drugstore. An evolution of trend from the Japanese Pharmacies, we can see the gradual decrease of traditional way of pharmacies. This will change gradually into a large-scale franchise pharmacies complex in a main-stream. This is mainly for a diverse consumer choice and a more diverse service. This provides us to meet up a more diverse customer need and a business opportunity.

Secondly, “an aging at home” is derived from the pharmacies with professional service in next step : the degree of aging in Japan is ahead of Taiwan but this generation of old people who have their own independent economic condition. They do not accept children who are delivering to hospice by their arrangement. A proactive self-arrangement of a plan for care at home. To a certain extend of the Japanese Pharmacy, it is so-called a sterile chamber. This helps the surrounding of the senior nutrition level for assistance and a business opportunity for peripheral products to be available.

Thirdly, “for a surround of yourself on your own”, this is a way of thinking about the next exposition step. How to expand their own plate, every pharmacy will expect the next step. But, how to show the shop of an area? How to choose? This is a lot of knowledge. For the way of speaking for Bridge. He would choose his own surrounding of pharmacy outside to set up a small piece of area opening a shop.  Many people wonder for the fact that this is not only unable to expand their market. There may be “1 +1 < 2” of state for a short time. But the operator told us to surround themselves on their own. Perhaps, for a short period of time “1+1 < 2”. But this under because of various focus which would significantly increase the reputation of an area. The customer’s impression of the new Bridge pharmacy will be quickly retained in their minds. I think this strategy that is a new development in the North region of Kaohsiung quickly. No matter how large was the size of the store, this can be one of the main factors for success.

After the visit, the pen-friend keeps to think about it. The inevitable aging is a trend. This is an obvious derivative of business opportunity. But there is an adequate supply of financial resource, this can be quickly surrounded by a franchise store for expansion. For a general traditional pharmacy, this is how to survive or this never falls down? The Government is currently undertaking for the business community pharmacy. Will this be currently for a transformation of traditional pharmacy of a buffer? This is definitely worth of our thought.

( The author is a member of The Community Pharmacy Committee of the Council)

Reference:pharmacist weekly