PSA Welcomes Indigenous Allied Heallth

Indigenous Allied Heallth Group Welcomed

Pharmacy has welcomed the representation of the profession on the Australian Government’s Indigenous Allied Health Australia Incorporated (IAHA), a peak national body established to improve the health of indigenous Australians.

The IAHA has been launched by the Minister for Indigenous Health, Rural and Regional Health and Regional Service Delivery, Hon Warren Snowdon, and will represent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander allied health professionals and students.

The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) congratulates Trangie pharmacist Faye

McMillan on her appointment as the pharmacy representative on the IAHA Board of Directors.

Chair of the PSA’s Rural Special Interest Group, Karalyn Huxhagen, said the IAHA would bring together for the first time indigenous allied health professionals such as pharmacists, physiotherapists, dieticians, occupational therapists and optometrists, and students in these professions, from around the country.

PSA Welcomes Indigenous Allied Heallth Group.pdf