蕭斐元 Sharon, Fei-Yuan Hsiao
886-2-27320778 • d49207002@ym.edu.tw


09/2003 ~ CurrentPh D program in Health and Welfare Policy Management at School of Public Health,National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan
09/2001 ~ 06/2003M.S. in Pharmacy at School of Pharmacy, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan
09/1997 ~ 06/2001B.S. in Pharmacy at School of Pharmacy, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan


026944 Pharmacist, Taipei, Taiwan


08/2001 ~ 06/2003Clinical Pharmacy Internship at Municipal Wanfang Hospital, Taipei Medical University Hospital, and Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital.
02/2001 ~ 05/2001Pharmacy Internship 500 hours at Municipal Wanfang Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan


01/2005~ CurrentExecutive director of Taiwan Young Pharmacist Group (TYPG)
01/2005~ CurrentEditor of Pharmacist Weekly, The National Union of Pharmacist Associations of the Republic of China
12/2003 ~ 11/2004Part-time research assistant at National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan
Project : Quality-oriented evaluation of payment system in National Health Insurance.
(Financed by Bureau of National Health Insurance)
01/2001 ~06/2001Representatives of pharmacy interns at Municipal Wanfang Hospital.
06/1999 ~06/2000Part-time research assistant at Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan
Project 1: The in Vitro Animal Experiment with the Use of Capsacin to Improve the Transdermal Absorption of Drugs. (Financed by National Science Council)
Project 2: The Improvement of Transdermal Drug Absorption with Electroporation.
06/1999~ 10/1999Part-time research assistant at Taipei Municipal Wan-Fang Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Project 1: Influences of Pharmacist-Conducted Hormone Replacement Therapy Education Program on Knowledge and Attitude in Postmenopausal Women in Taipei.
Project 2: Influences of Pharmacist-conducted Osteoporosis Education Program on Knowledge in Postmenopausal Women in Taipei.
10/1998~ 02/1999Vise leader of Pharmacy Service Group, Taipei Medical University.
06/1998~ 08/1998Part-time research assistant at Taipei Municipal Wan-Fang Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Project: Oral Anticoagulant Patient Education Programme Studying in Wan-Fang Hospital.


09/200565th International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Annual Meeting. Cairo, Egypt.
07/20055th International Health Economics Association (IHEA) Annual Meeting. Barcelona, Spain.
09/200464th International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Annual Meeting. New Orleans, United States.
09/200262th International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Annual Meeting. Nice, France.
09/2001Assistant of International Symposium On Asian Pharmacy Practice and 2nd Taipei-Tokyo-Seoul TriCity Pharmaceutical Conference. Taipei, Taiwan.


Journal Papers

  1. Hsiao FY, Lee JA, Huang WF, Chen SM, Chen HY. Evaluation of drug safety-related knowledge,
    attitude, and practice among college students in Taiwan. American Journal of Pharmaceutical
    Education (accepted for publication, August, 2005)
  2. Huang WF, Hsiao FY, Tsai YW, Shih YT. Cardiovascular Events Associated with Long-term
    Celecoxib, Rofecoxib, and Meloxicam Use in Taiw

Oral Presentation

  1. Fei-Yuan Hsiao, Weng-Foung Huang, Yi-Wen Tsai.National antibiotic usage surveillance in Taiwan.
    Presented in: 2005 Annual Meeting hold by Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference (APACPH), Taipei, Taiwan
  2. Fei-Yuan Hsiao, Weng-Foung Huang, Yi-Wen Tsai. Avoidable medical cost related to inappropriate use of antibiotics for acute upper respiratory infection.
    Presented in: 2005 Annual Meeting hold by
    International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), Cairo, Egypt, 2005.


  1. Weng-Foung Huang, Fei-Yuan Hsiao, Yi-Wen Tsai. Discordance of upper respiratory tract infection
    diagnosis and treatment based on Taiwan’s National Health Insurance data. Presented in: 2005 Annual
    Meeting hold by International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), Cairo, Egypt, 2005.
  2. Fei-Yuan Hsiao, Weng-Foung Huang, Yi-Wen Tsai. Quality Variation of Antibiotic Prescribing for
    Acute Upper Respiratory Infection. Presented in: 2004 Annual Meeting hold by The Pharmaceutical
    Society of Republic of China, Taipei, Taiwan, 2004.
  3. Fei-Yuen Hsiao, Chun-Jen Chang, Jen-Ai Lee, Hsiang-Yin Chen. A practical tool of predicting
    hepatotoxicity during anti-tuberculosis therapy. Presented in: 2004 Annual Meeting hold by American
    Collage of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP), Palm Spring, United States, 2004.
  4. Fei-Yuan Hsiao, Chun-Nin Lee, Jen- Ai Lee, You-Meei Lin, Hsiang-Yin Chen. A retrospective
    surveillance of antituberculosis therapy- induced hepatotoxicity. Presented in: 2004 Annual Meeting
    hold by International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), New Orleans, United States, 2004.
  5. Hsiang-Yin Chen, Fei-Yuan Hsiao, Ying- Chi Lin, Yi-Chun Chiang. Evaluation of Drug
    Safety-Related Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors Among General Public in Taiwan. Presented in:
    2003 Annual Meeting hold by International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), Sydney, Australia, 2003.
  6. Fei-Yuan Hsiao, Yi-Chun Chiang, Ying-Chi Lin, Wuan-Jin Leu, Hsiang-Yin Chen. Surveys on the
    Attitude and Management related to Adverse Drug Reaction Among College Students in Taiwan.
    Presented in: 2002 Annual Meeting hold by The Pharmaceutical Society of Republic of China,
    PingDong, Taiwan, 2002.
  7. Hsiao FY, Chiang YC, Leu WJ, Lin YC, Chen HY. Evaluation of Drug Safety-Related Knowledge,
    Attitude, and Behaviors among College Students in Taiwan. Presented in: 2002 Annual Meeting hold
    by American Collage of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP), Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2002.
  8. Hsiang-Yin Chen, Shih-Hsien Chang, Chia-Feng Lai, Chia-Chun Chang, Fei-Yuan Hsiao. Effect of
    Capsaicin on the Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Warfarin in Rats. Presented in: 2002
    Annual Meeting hold by American Collage of Clinical Pharmacy (FIP), Albuquerque, New Mexico,
  9. Chia-Feng Lai, Hsiang-Yin Chen, Fei-Yuan Hsiao, Tzung-Yi Lee, Shing-Mei Hsu-Lee, Chi-Ming
    Chen. Influences of Pharmacist-Conducted Hormone Replacement Therapy Education Program on
    Knowledge and Attitude in Postmenopausal Women in Taipei. Presented in: 2001 Annual Meeting
    hold by Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2001.
  10. Lai C.F., Chang S.H., Lee T.Y , Hsiao F.Y., Chen H.Y. Influences of Pharmacist-conducted
    Osteoporosis Education Program on Knowledge in Postmenopausal Women in Taipei. Presented in:
    2001 Annual Meeting hold by The Pharmaceutical Society of Republic of China, Taipei, Taiwan,


It is “drug safety” that best describes my research interest. Although I’m a young pharmacist,
I’ve participated and coordinated several important projects related to this field. Let me go
for more details as follows.

Patient education on medication usage is believed to be a good approach to ensure drug safety.
During my college, I assisted in three patient education projects held in Taipei Municipal
Wang-Fang Medical Center, which were “oral anticoagulant patient education program”,
“pharmacist-conducted osteoporosis education program on knowledge in postmenopausal
women”, and “pharmacist-conducted hormone replacement therapy education program in
Postmenopausal Women”. As a result, my enthusiasm on patient safety was inspired through
these projects.

During my master program, in sense of that medication use is undoubtedly a crucial issue in
the colleges and young adults, including medical or non-medical use of prescription,
over-the-counter (OTC), or herbal products. Also, the increased direct-to-consumer
advertising of pharmaceutical products will promote the young population, a generation
highly exposed to tremendous amounts of media, to self-medicate. In order to successfully
implant rational safe medication program to young, surveys’ on the knowledge (K), attitudes
(A), and practices (P) of safety medication use are essential for pharmacists and
policy-makers to design better strategies to prevent unsafe behaviors on the use of
prescription, OTC drugs and herbal remedies. I conducted a survey on evaluation of drug
safety-related K-A-P among college students in Taiwan. This survey included a total number
of 6,270 first-year college students from 147 departments in 27 universities sampled by
stratified randomization in Taiwan. The survey revealed that college students still lack
appropriate knowledge, attitudes and practices related to the safe use of medications, and
efforts are warranted in Taiwan. (Hsiao FY, Lee JA, Huang WF, Chen SM, Chen HY.
Evaluation of drug safety-related knowledge, attitude, and practice among college students in
Taiwan. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education (accepted, August, 2005))

My current effort on drug safety is using pharmacoepidemiology technology to investigate
potential adverse drug events, especially when National Health Insurance System in Taiwan
provides a unique valuable database for these studies. This approach not only collects
important signals on drug safety but also provides an essential reference for future policy
implication. Several of my researches were published, including one journal paper. (Huang
WF, Hsiao FY, Tsai YW, Shih YT. Cardiovascular Events Associated with Long-term
Celecoxib, Rofecoxib, and Meloxicam Use in Taiwan: An Observational Study. Drug Safety
(Accepted for publication, December 13, 2005))

To sum it up, as a young pharmacist and current health policy major doctoral student, in term
of combination of my professional trainings, it is “drug safety” that I would like to devote to.


As mentioned on the website of International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), FIP is the
global federation of national organizations of pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists
dedicated to improving the access to and value of appropriate medicine use, and contributing
to changes in science, practice and health policies worldwide. My participation in FIP
conferences (2002, 2004, and 2005) had proven that this statement is true. FIP conferences
provide me a very good opportunity to communicate with pharmacists worldwide.

Pharmacists have played a part in public health promotion more aggressively. As a young
pharmacist and current health policy major doctoral student, several hot issues have raised
my attention in FIP conferences, such as “pharmacists and action on tobacco”, “counterfeit
medicines” and “good pharmacy practice”. All of them are important determinant related to
deliver cost-effective, quality healthcare all over the world and inspiration to healthcare
system in Taiwan. In addition, FIP conference provides an excellent opportunity to
demonstrate some successful model of Taiwan’s health care system, such as National Health
Insurance System. The Bureau of National Health Insurance System covers nearly 99% of
Taiwan’s population and computerizes files allowed for cohort identification, classification of
diseases, and pharmacy utilization. Therefore, National Health Insurance System in Taiwan
provides a unique valuable database for pharmacoepidemiology studies and further policy
implication. My current study interests exactly focus on this field and would be willing to
share my study results with pharmacists from other countries. By going to the 66th FIP
congress, I’ll not only bring back new impression that pharmacists in Taiwan could model
after but also reveal Taiwan’s remarkable achievement to the world.

Lastly, as executive director of Taiwan Young Pharmacists’ Group (TYPG), it’s important for
me to attend the 66th FIP congress and help our official representatives communicating with
other young pharmacists all over the world. Taiwan Young Pharmacists’ Group (TYPG),
officially established on January, 2005, has successfully in cooperation with many
professional organizations in Taiwan, such as The Taiwan Society of Health-System
Pharmacists, The Pharmaceutical Society of Republic of China, and The National Union of
Pharmacist Associations of R.O.C. Take my participation in The Taiwan Society of
Health-System Pharmacists for example; I was recruited into department of international
affairs. As one of TYPG’s representatives in this department, I was responsible for assisting
all pharmacists’ participation (especially young pharmacists) of FIP annual meeting in Taiwan
since I’ve been to FIP three times. In addition, TYPG keeps a very good connection with
our PSA-Taiwan (Pharmacy Student Association-Taiwan).

I serve as one of PSA-Taiwan’s program instructors and have routine meeting with them. This year (2006), TYPG and
PSA-Taiwan will focus on “skills of patient counseling” and work together to complete
several projects. Not only gets actively involved in other pharmacy organizations, TYPG
also designs fruitful programs to serve our members. TYPG’s goal in 2006 is to help young
pharmacists in Taiwan to become a “V.I.P” -with broad vision, abundant information, and
friendly public relation. This goal will be completed through TYPG’s activities and
conferences. In conclusion, FIP congress is the best time for Young Pharmacists’ Group’s
annual meeting. I believe that the successful efforts of TYPG discussed above could serve a
very good reference for YPGs all over the world, especially YPGs in the West Pacific Region
as long as we have similar cultural environment. Since I’m familiar with most TYPG’s
current programs, I will be very suitable to help our official representatives communicating
with other young pharmacists from other courtiers.


Ticket€1300* Taipei-Los Angeles Salvador Bahia
* Salvador Bahia-Los Angeles-Taipei
Room and board
Room€100*6=€600* 2006/8/27-2006/9/1
* Pestana Bahia Hotel, Salvador, Brazil
Board€25*6=€150* 2006/8/27-2006/9/1
Registration fee€200* Reference: 2005 FIP conference (student)
Administrative Pharmacy Section Dinner€60* Reference: 2005 FIP conference
YPG dinner€25* Reference: 2005 FIP conference
Closing Dinner€110* Reference: 2005 FIP conference