A New Era of Home Medication Management
NewsNext month will see significant changes to the Home Medicines Review (HMR) Program aimed at makingsure the right person gets the right service at the right time based on clinical need. The program, which commenced in 2000, is designed to assist…
Press Release on Medicines Shortage
NewsFIP CALLS ATTENTION TO MEDICINES SHORTAGES 8 September 2011 On Thursday, 8 September 2011 at the 71st Congress in Hyderabad, India, the Council of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), the largest gathering of all FIP's 130 member…
First Update!(2011 09/10 )
NewsTopic:Updates! (10th Sep) WPPF Website Updates at A Glance! Hottest News 1. FIP Opens Momentous 2011 Congress in Hyderabad New updates in “Country Activities”: Australia 1. Pregnant Women Urged To Seek Pharmacists’ Advice…
Drugs Cross Talk in Traditional Chinese Medicine (T.C.M.) and Modern Medicine (M.M.)- Is It a Strategy Or a Ban for Patients ?
NewsDrugs Cross Talk in Traditional Chinese Medicine (T.C.M.) and Modern Medicine (M.M.)- Is it a strategy or a ban for patients ? How hard for general patient to be patiently wait to turn around while being really sickness. In order to…
Medicine Concentrations in Water Bodies at Taiwan Are Relatively High
News Medicine concentrations in water bodies at Taiwan are relatively high Easily to deal with expired medicines with simple six steps Some studies found that micro abandoned drugs from the home appeared inNatural water bodies such as rivers,…
More News from 21st Singapore Pharmacy Congress
NewsMore News From 21st Singapore Pharmacy Congress Another edition of the highly anticipated Singapore Pharmacy Congress was concluded recently at the Sheraton Towers. This marked the 21st time the PSS organised such annual event and the theme…
Medicine: Stop Wasteful Prescribing Habits
News Medicine: Stop Wasteful Prescribing Habits THE Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) views with apprehension the Health Ministry's strategy in tackling the problem of over-prescription, rather than the underlying cause, by calling…
Clinical Newsletter
NewsAdministering non-prescription medicines Have you ever been faced with a patient experiencing chest pain, an asthma attack or symptoms of anaphylaxis in your pharmacy? How did you respond? How long would it take for an ambulance to reach your…
Australian Pharmacist 2011 Vo30 No.9
NewsAustralian Pharmacist 2011 Vo30 No.9 To successfully implement the changes required to transition pharmacy from a primarily dispensing role to one in which professional services arean increasing focus requires the full involvement of pharmacists…
PSA Broad Is Going Blue
NewsPSA Broad Is Going Blue Blue September promotes such lifestyle decisions while also raising national awareness and being a fund-raising initiative for men’s cancer, supporting The Australian Cancer Research Foundation and Bowel Cancer Australia.…