Fact Sheet & Seasonal Influenza Vaccin
Australia Country: Australia Title: Fact Sheet & Seasonal Influenza Vaccin Date: 2010/04/22 Department Of Health and Ageing Fact Sheet and Letter to Community Pharmacists Regarding Seasonal Influenza Vaccine (News released by PGA) For further…
Pharmacy Welcomes Primary Health Care Organisations
Australia Country: Australia Title: Pharmacy Welcomes PHCOs Date: 2010/04/22 Media Release: Pharmacy Welcomes Primary Health Care Organisations (News released by PGA) The Pharmacy Guild of Australia has welcomed the Federal Government’s…
AUS Fifth Community Pharmacy Agreement
Australia Country: Australia Title: AUS Fifth Community Pharmacy Agreement Date: 2010/05/09 (1) New Agreement: Quality Care for Consumers, Certainty for Community Pharmacy, Expanded Role for Pharmacists (News released by PGA) The Fifth Community…
PSA Chief Executive Officer Resigns
Australia Country: Australia Title: PSA Chief Executive Officer Resigns Date: 2010/05/09 PSA Chief Executive Officer Resigns (News released by PSA) The Chief Executive Officer of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia, Bryan Stevens, has…
Guild Calls for Improved Access to Finance
Australia Country: Australia Title: Guild Calls for Improved Access to ... Date: 2010/05/09 Media Release: Guild Calls for Improved Access to Finance (News released by PGA) The Pharmacy Guild of Australia has renewed its calls for improved…
Henry Tax Review Impact on Community Pharmacy
Australia Country: Australia Title: Henry Tax Review Date: 2010/05/09 Media Release: Henry Tax Review Impact on Community Pharmacy (News released by PGA) The Pharmacy Guild of Australia believes the Henry Review’s comprehensive review of…
New Vice President for PSA SA Branch
Australia Country: Australia Title: New Vice President for PSA SA Branch Date: 2010/05/09 Military Pharmacist Vice President of PSA South Australian Branch The South Australian Branch of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia has announced…
Hospital Deal a Good First Step
Australia Country: Australia Title: Hospital Deal a Good First Step Date: 2010/05/09 Hospital Deal a Good First Step (News released by PSA) The agreement reached between the Federal Government and State and Territory Governments over hospital…
Pharmacists Helping in Chronic Pain Management
Australia Country: Australia Title: Pharmacists Helping in Chronic Pain .. Date: 2010/05/09 Click: 136 Pharmacists Helping in Chronic Pain Management (News released by PSA) Pharmacists can play a pivotal role in assisting patients with…
AUS 5CPA and Federal Budget
Australia Country: Australia Title: AUS 5CPA and Federal Budget Date: 2010/05/24 Click: 119 (1)Fifth Community Pharmacy Agreement (News released by PGA) The Fifth Community Pharmacy Agreement between the Commonwealth of Australia and The…