KPA opens “pharm-story”, a blog to strengthen connection with the people and patients


To establish an effective communication medium with the KPA established a blog, pharm-story( last February.  The blog aims to provide convenient access 
for the public to various professionally prepared information regarding and to 
assist in safe use of medicines and medical supplies.

Pharm-story publishes information on pharmacies and the healthcare 
system, public knowledge regarding medicines, and others including a series 
called “stories of medicine in movies”.  
It also provides links and banners directing to useful web services such 
as pharm 114 which is the information 
system of pharmacies on duty, 1339 which is the emergency 
medical information center, Pharm-Care 
which is the program for giving drug information to patients.


While the growth in internet and mobile technology allowed for greater 
accessibility to medicine related information, unfortunately, so did the 
excessive amount of unapproved information. KPA aims to amend this issue 
through pharm-story by providing abundant 
and correct information that is approved and reviewed by the professionals of 
the field, i.e. the pharmacists.