Disease Outbreak News 2013 May
C-2: WHOReference :http://www.who.int/csr/don/archive/year/2013/en/index.html Disease Outbreak News 17 May 2013 Human infection with avian influenza A(H7N9) virus – update 15 May 2013Novel…
Impact on health minimised
Newshttp://www.psa.org.au/archives/23606 14 May 2013 The Government has taken strong moves to help improve the economy while tempering the impact of the budget on the important role health plays in the Australian community. Acting President…
CPExpo 2013 conference app now available
Newshttp://www.psa.org.au/archives/23547 10 May 2013 CPExpo 2013 is fast approaching and from today the CPExpo experience can be further enhanced by downloading the specially developed app for the event. And in a further incentive to register…
Free 7-inch tablet for full registrations as PAC13 registrations open
NewsReference : http://www.psa.org.au/archives/23322 --- 3 May 2013 Registrations have opened for Australia’s premier pharmacy event, the Pharmacy Australia Congress (PAC13). This year’s event is being held in Brisbane with a new format and…
National Intern Training Program – 2013 second intake now open
NewsReference : http://www.psa.org.au/archives/23341 --- 3 May 2013 Enrolments for the 2013 Second intake of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia’s (PSA) National Intern Training Program (NITP) are now open. As the largest and most experienced…
PSA membership tops 18,000 for first time
NewsReference : http://www.psa.org.au/archives/23251 --- 2 May 2013 Membership of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia has grown to more than 18,000 for the first time in the PSA’s history. Acting National President of the PSA, Dr Claire O’Reilly,…
Global Drug Safety Conference and Exposition registrations now open
NewsReference : http://www.psa.org.au/archives/2323 --- 1 May 2013 Registrations have now opened for the Global Drug Safety (GDS) Conference and Exposition which will attract national and international delegates and speakers from across a wide spectrum…
Forefront Volume 3 Number 10-18
C-4: Other PublicationsForefront Forefront is a regular e-newsletter from the Pharmacy Guild of Australia. Subscription is free and – while content is produced with Guild members in mind as the primary audience – open to anyone interested in news and current…
Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Scorecard (Budget edition)
NewsReference : http://www.guild.org.au/iwov-resources/documents/The_Guild/tab-News_and_events/Guild_News_Centre/2013/Medicines%20partnership%20PBS%20scorecard%20MAY2013.pdf 2013-05-16 Medicines Partnership of AustraliaPharmaceutical Benefits Scheme…
PBS: A Budget bright spot
NewsReference : http://www.guild.org.au/iwov-resources/documents/The_Guild/tab-News_and_events/Guild_News_Centre/2013/MR_MPA_Budget_16May13.pdf Medicines Partnership of AustraliaPBS: A Budget bright spot Amid the gloom of collapsing Commonwealth…