Smoking Awareness Campaign

In the Philippines we have the Metro-Manila’s Campaign against smoking and University-wide project “Smoking awareness Campaign” a timely response to the task of caring not only for the physical development of human beings but also to the cause of promoting a wholesome environment which is most necessary and urgent during our times. This activity which is also included in our PPhA Continuing Professional seminar (CPE) will serve as a medium for effective information dissemination and exchange regarding the ill effects of smoking.

Research studies, articles, statistics have been published to emphasize the hazardous effects of smoking like producing chronic bronchitis, lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease and other smoking-related illness. This note writing campaign on smoking in the Philippines is surely in the right direction and would help eradicate the menace.

With an intensive campaign against smoking and full cooperation of all the members of the community, the fervent hope for a non-smoking society will turn into a meaningful society.
