Report -WHPA 30th June- 1st July

Title: Report -WHPA 30th June- 1st July
Date: 2011/07/24

Report -WHPA 30th June- 1st July


World Health Professions Alliance


Regional Workshop on Counterfeit Medical Products

Taipei, 30th Jun – 1st Jul 2011


The programme on the first day began with the opening of the workshop by China Taiwan Deputy Minister of Justice, Mr Fred Lin Chin-Chun. This was followed by an address by Ms Mei Ling Hsiao, Deputy Minister of Health. The country host of the event, Mr Deng Tsing Tang, President of the TSHP, gave a welcome speech to the delegates at the workshop and Mr Ton Hoek, CEO of FIP/WHPA also addressed the delegates on the purpose of the workshop.


The morning sessions started with Mr Valerio Reggi who highlighted the “Global challenges on counterfeit medicines and what is the future ahead?”. This was followed by a presentation by Ms Aline Plancon, who shared the “INTERPOL’s perspective and initiatives in the Asia Pacific region”. The morning’s programme also consisted a breakout session where all the delegates were divided into two groups and they were asked to discuss the document on “Call to Action”. During the breakout session, representative health professionals from different countries were randomly placed in the two groups and each group had a moderator who directed the discussion. Mr Xuanhao Chan and Ms Janice Blondeau each led a breakout group. Each group went through the draft document and suggested amendments where appropriate. At the end of the discussion session, all the delegates were congregated and a summary on the discussion was presented by a representative from each group. Based on the recommendations from the discussion, the document was updated accordingly.