Press invitation FIP Centennial Congress

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Responsible use of medicine can lead to a dramatic decrease of unnecessary hospital admissions

The FIP urges both the public and policy makers to become aware that one of the main challenges in health care worldwide is irresponsible use of medicine. It has a direct influence on both effectiveness and cost-efficiency of health care. For instance: each year millions of people are hospitalized due to potentially avoidable, medicine-related, factors. It is estimated that in the US alone hospital admissions due to poor medication adherence cost $1 billion US per year.

Non-adherence is one of the most important reasons for these hospitalizations. An estimated 50% of chronic patients don’t take all the medicines prescribed to them. In low- and middle-income countries rates are even lower. With the number of people suffering from a chronic disease increasing from 43% of the current burden of disease to 60% of the disease burden and 73% of all deaths by 2020, we must find a solution now.

Therefore FIP is organizing a Centennial Congress, from the 3rd to 8th October, with the focus of finding solutions to these challenges and creating a global environment of more responsible use of medicines. Pharmacists are the most accessible health care professionals: they are close to the public and freely available. This, combined with their unique knowledge on medicines, make them the key party to address the problem of irresponsible medicines use and find solutions for it.

We would like to invite you to attend this Congress.

When: 3 – 8 October 2012
Where: Amsterdam RAI Congress Center, The Netherlands

Ministers Summit (3 October)
A complimentary element to the Centennial Congress is an international Ministers Summit hosted by the Dutch Ministry of Health. Considering the vast, global impact of this subject, the Dutch Minister of Health, Edith Schippers, commissioned the IMS and World Health Organization (WHO) to compile the latest world-wide data on the prevalence and effect of irresponsible medicines use.  Their findings will be published in reports, to be released in September and discussed during the Ministerial Summit.

Please apply for the FIP Centennial Congress by sending an email to For questions please or contact Sophie van den Oord, (+31) 20‑5437600, or Corine Solleveld, (+31) 20‑5437600,

With kind regards,

Myriah Lesko
FIP Manager of Media and Publications

The International Pharmaceutical Federation – FIP
The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) is a representative of over two million of the world’s pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists through 127 Member Organisations. They are an invaluable global leader and partner in medicines expertise and healthcare advancement, developing strategies and policies implemented by Members the world over.

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FIP Centennial Website
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