Consumer Information

-Consumer Information


Pharmacist has evolved from product focused to been patient focused and in a community pharmacy, it is a “Consumer-focused” setting. 

The Western Pacific Pharmaceutical Forum has collected Consumer focusing websites of its membership countries in the following 3 areas: 

1. Drug Information for Consumers

2. Patient Safety Links 

3. National Consumer Non-Government (Non-Profit) Organizations


Drug Information for Consumers

Patient Safety Links

National Consumer Non-Government (Non-Profit) Organizations


National Prescribing Service


Consumers Health Forum


Therapeutic Goods Administration GA’s consumer section(



Government’s Healthinsite




Information system on safety and effectiveness for health foods (

Description: Operated by National Institute of Health and Nutrition. The objective of the website is to provide information on food and its ingredients, food safety and to prevent health hazard attributed to health food.

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)


RAD-AR Council, Japan



Japan Self-Medication Data-base Center [Japanese] (

Description: Contains non-prescription drug information and online search.




Korean Pharmaceutical Association


Korea Food & Drug Administration


Health Right Network



Korea Pharmaceutical Information Center



Consumers Korea


Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service





Department of Health Medication Info Website:(

Department of Health Patient Safety Website:(

Consumers’ Foundation, Chinese Taipei:(


Drug Administration of Vietnam:(


The Drug Administration of Vietnam is responsible for registration of domestic and foreign drugs; for licensing of pharmaceutical practices; for information of drug use and quality of drugs; for management of drug price and other problems concerning pharmaceutical sector.

This organization can give information about names, the use of drugs and drug prices for consumers. Contact mail: [email protected]

Institute of Medico-Pharmaceutical Information: (

This institute not only supplies medical information for scientists, but also gives common information on healthcare for consumers, patient safety. At the same time we have a journal of Clinical Pharmacy and have good relation with INRUD in Helsinki. Contact mail: [email protected]

National consumer protection association:(

Vietnam Standard Consumers Association (VINASAS) takes care about quality of goods and answers on complaint of consumers about all kinds of goods. But we ask him to give one part of their page for the drug consumers. This web has English language also. Contact mail:[email protected] is a comprehensive Web site database featuring extensive information about thousands of different medications and drugs currently on the market or previously available worldwide. includes up-to-date information about prescription and over-the-counter medications and includes details about associated side effects to aid in the protection of patients and consumers.

SGH’s “YouTube” Medication Safety Initiative

SGH Pharmacy Department has contributed to the development of a 3-part patient safety videos which are available in the YouTube.


This is a very convenient means to broadcast & educate the public on issues related to medication safety. One of the videos also features our very own friendly SGH pharmacist – Ms. Ng Hong Yen – in action.


Do feel free to view the video streaming & use it as an additional tool to spread the medication safety; at the same time highlight the role of pharmacists in such initiatives.



Links: (YouTube videos)

SGH – Medication Safety (Part 1)

SGH – Medication Safety (Part 2)

SGH – Medication Safety (Part 3)

Medicines Talk

Medicines Talk Summer 2009 No. 32

Information for consumers and consumer groups about using medicines wisely.



Time to think about vaccinations again? – pg 3

Help for people with chronic illness – pg 6

Medicine check-ups in your home – pg 7

For full content, please download Attachment.

AttachmentMedicines Talk