KPA Held Antimalarial Training for …
Republic of Korea Korean Pharmaceutical Association Held Antimalarial Training for University Students UN held 'Leader's club workshop' from 4th, August to 7th, August. 370 university students attended this workshop. Korean Pharmaceutical Association taught…
KYPG and KNAPS Established Strategic..
Republic of Korea KYPG and KNAPS Established Strategic Alliances A ceremony on Strategic Alliances Accord signed by KYPG (Korean Young Pharmacist Group, Chairperson Kyung Do Shin) and KNAPS (Korean National Association Pharmaceutical Students, President Aye…
The 2nd Korea Pham Expo held in COEX..
Republic of Korea The 2nd Korea Pham Expo held in COEX on 11-12 ‘2010 Korea Pham Expo’ whose motto was ‘National Health care and the future of medicine-pharmacist-pharmacy’ had its grand opening in COEX on 11, September. In an opening ceremony started…
FAQ about CPD for Pharmacists
Republic of Korea Frequently Asked Questions about CPD for Pharmacists Under the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme and national law, there are continuing Professional development (CPD) requirements for all ten health professions. All pharmacy…
Anti-Obesity Drug Sibutramine Eventual
Republic of Korea Anti-Obesity Drug Sibutramine Eventually Gets Kicked Out On October 13th, the KFDA announced that anti-obesity drug sibutramine will be prohibited on sale and be withdrawn from the market, after discussing the issue with the Central Pharmacist…
New Pricing System in Korea
Republic of Korea New Pricing System in Korea New drug pricing system took effect on October 1. Ministry of health and welfare wants to eradicate illegal rebate and keep drug distribution transparent in order to reduce burden of people. So if hospital or pharmacy…
DUR Launched in Korea
Republic of Korea DUR (Drug Utilization Review) Launched in Korea, Pharmacists Grab the Chance to Become Masters of Drugs DUR (Drug Utilization Review) is to be enforced in pharmacies across the nation, since 1st day of December. Since DUR helps build atmosphere…
40% of KPA Are ‘Community Pharmacists’
Republic of Korea 40% of Korean Pharmacists Are 'Community Pharmacists’ On January 20, 2011, 'Korea Institute for Health and Social affairs' announced current state of Korean public health care system. According to this result, 33211 pharmacists and 20883…
The Late-Night Emergency Pharmacy …
Republic of Korea The Late-Night Emergency Pharmacy Pilot Project The Korean Pharmaceutical Association has carried out a pilot project of running late-night emergency pharmacies from July 2010 to December 2010. Currently there are not many medical care services…
Discontinuation of Anti-Inflammatory
Republic of Korea Discontinuation of Anti-Inflammatory On the 23rd of March, the Central Pharmaceutical Affairs Council has decided to discontinue the sales of Serratiopeptidase related products. Serratiopeptidase is known to be used as an anti-inflammatory…