PGA Newsletter Vol.1 No.14

PGA Forefront Newsletter Volume 1, No.13, 10 August 2011 PBS expenditure is slowing and remains well under control, which should allay any concerns the Federal Government may have about the sustainability of the scheme

PGA Newsletter Vol.1 No.13

PGA Forefront Newsletter Volume 1, No.13, 10 August 2011 Considerable price drops on generic medicines will occur. Those price drops will vary but an overall average 23 per cent price drop has been guaranteed by Medicines Australia

Slowdown in PBS Spending Growth

Slowdown in PBS Spending Growth The PBS expenditure grew by 5.2 per cent in 2010-11, almost half the average PBS growth for the preceding decades (9.2 per cent). According to the Government’s Intergenerational Report, PBS expenditure as a…

Perak Pharmacy Scientific Conference

1st Perak Pharmacy Scientific Conference (30th Oct- 2nd October 2011, Bukit Merah Hotel and Lake Town Resort, Taiping) Tentative Programme Friday 30th September 2011 Time Programme 3.00 pm- 6.00 pm Check in & Registration 7.30 pm- 9.30 pm Symposium…

The East Japan Earthquake Third report

The Great East Japan Earthquake: Relief activities by Pharmaceutical Associations [Third Report] For full content, please refer to the source! Attachment: 20110614newsrelease_earthquake.pdf Source:…

6th WSMI Conference in Beijing

6th Asia Pacific Regional Conference of the World Self-Medication Industry (WSMI) 26-29 October 2004, Beijing, China WSMI’s international conference in Beijing has highlighted the rapid development of self-care and self-medication as a…

FIP 2007 Congress Beijing,China

2007 FIP 67th Annual Congress in Beijing, China Welcome to the FIP World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences! 67th International Congress of FIP ‘From Anecdote to Evidence: Pharmacists Helping Patients Make the Best Use of…

11th National Antibiotics conference

News translated from the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association website: The 11th National Antibiotics conference will be held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang in November 2009. Call for abstract ends on 10th of September, 2009. For more info:…

Health warnings on tobacco packaging

Tobacco - Health warnings Source:

Graphic Tobacco Warning

Graphic Tobacco Warning: National Campaign (MEDIA RELEASE) The advertisement and a media release in May 2004 that was put in by a group of health organisations (including the Pharmacy Guild of Australia) campaigning for the graphic images…