PSA members vote for unity
Australia PSA members vote for unity Members of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia endorsed the creation of a unified Society by voting to accept a new National Constitution at the Annual General Meeting held in Sydney on 30 April. PSA’s Branches…
Supporting the profession
Australia Supporting the profession PSA is currently reviewing and/or drafting the following documents: ‧Dose administration aids service (guidelines and standards) ‧Medication profiling service (guidelines and standards) ‧Dispensing practice…
Pharmacy Australia Congress (PAC) 2007
Australia Pharmacy Australia Congress (PAC) 2007 PSA’s annual Pharmacy Australia Congress will be held in Melbourne, 24–26 August 2007. This year’s Congress marks the 150th anniversary of the founding of the first formal organisation representing…
New professional programs and services
Australia New professional programs and services The upcoming roll-out of several new professional programs and services under Australia’s Fourth Community Pharmacy Agreement (4CPA) was announced in April. The Professional Programs and Services…
Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) reform
Australia Ongoing Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) reform Another step in the Australian Government’s ongoing PBS reform process was taken on 1 August, 2007, when medicines on the scheme were separated into two groups which will be subject…
Adverse Medicines Events consumer telephone hotline funded
Australia Adverse Medicines Events consumer telephone hotline funded The Australian Government will provide funding to enable the services provided through the Adverse Medicines Events (AME) telephone hotline to continue for a further 12 months.…
PSA Chief Executive Officer Resigns
Australia PSA Chief Executive Officer Resigns (News released by PSA) The Chief Executive Officer of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia, Bryan Stevens, has announced his resignation. Mr Stevens has led the PSA through the complex process of unification.…
Pharmacy Welcomes PHCOs
Australia Media Release: Pharmacy Welcomes Primary Health Care Organisations (News released by PGA) The Pharmacy Guild of Australia has welcomed the Federal Government’s announcement that Primary Health Care Organisations (PHCOs) will be established…
Fact Sheet & Seasonal Influenza Vaccin
AustraliaDepartment Of Health and Ageing Fact Sheet and Letter to Community Pharmacists Regarding Seasonal Influenza Vaccine (News released by PGA) For further details, please refer to Attachment. Attachment: Flu Vaccination-Fact Sheet.pdfLetter…
Australia Country Report – March 2010
Australia The WPPF Executive Meeting was held in Manila, Philippines, March of this year. To find out the latest news from each country in our region, please click Source to download their country reports. Source: country report