Appeal to the Cosmeceutical Entrepreneur for Self-Discipline to Follow the Legislation of Pharmacist

Appeal to the Cosmeceutical Entrepreneur for Self-Discipline to Follow the Legislation of Pharmacists Personally Practice in the Stores!

Author/Wen GuoXiong (Chairman of Community Pharmacy Committee)

According to the recent report that New Taipei City Government

Consumer Ombudsman came to inspect fourteen cosmeceutical stores in the area under control, and they found that only two stores with pharmacists presented which appeared the drug safety vulnerabilities for the public. The consumer ombudsman asked the entrepreneur to improve it immediately or will be punished.

Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health had convened a meeting about pharmacists personally practice in the cosmeceutical stores on September this year. And they certainly informed every chain cosmeceutical stores of pharmacists should personally practice in the cosmeceutical stores which was based on the legislation. TFDA will come to inspect seriously, and they reaffirmed that the attitude of the law without leave. Below are the viewpoints for this issue from Community Pharmacy Committee:

1. The cosmeceutical stores managed by Consortiums are belonging to the drug trafficking business, and it is definitely different from the community pharmacies which are managed by pharmacists personally. Government unit should clarify it to avoid the misunderstanding of people.

2. TPIP always insists on opposing pharmacists to rent their licenses, and TPIP has hastened government unit to inspect it severely. The pharmacists would be moved to Pharmacists Disciplinary Committee once the inspection seized by real, and the heaviest may be abolished the practice licenses or pharmacist credentials.

    3. In order to ensure the drug safety for the public, please the cosmeceutical entrepreneur to be self-disciplined certainly and follow the legislation of pharmacists personally practice in the stores.


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Appeal to the Cosmeceutical Entrepreneur for Self-Discipline to Follow the Legislation of Pharmacists Personally Practice in the Stores!