AACP Forum a Highlight of PAC10

AACP Forum a Highlight of PAC10

A highlight of the annual Pharmacy Australia Congress every year is the Australian

Association of Consultant Pharmacy Accredited Pharmacists’ (AACP) Forum which attracts accredited and other interested pharmacists from across Australia for a day of educational and informative sessions.

At PAC10 this year, the AACP Accredited Pharmacists’ Forum is titled Clinical and Practical Skills for MMRs, Building your Portfolio on Thursday 28 October from 9.00am – 5.00pm and the day’s program includes a wide range of speakers with a mix of clinical presentations, therapeutic updates, clinical controversies and practice pointers.

Chief Executive Officer of the AACP, Grant Martin, said the AACP Forums continued to grow in popularity and support due to the high quality and relevance of the programs and the outstanding reputation of their speakers.

For full content, please refer to Source.

AACP Forum a Highlight of PAC10.pdf