FIP has set HIV/AIDS as a priority since 1995 through the implementation of an international working group to collect, review and disseminate information to members, prepare statements, organize events during the annual congress and prepare training modules specific to pharmacy practice.

In September 2004, FIP launched the International Network for Pharmacists on HIV/AIDS. The Network aims to provide a platform for discussion and information sharing for pharmacists working and interested in the area of HIV/AIDS. Since the conception of the Working Group on AIDS and Drug Addiction in 1994 various initiatives have taken place to support pharmacists in becoming actively involved in the prevention of HIV/AIDS, STDs and injecting drug use and in the treatment of HIV/AIDS.

In 1997 the role of pharmacists in the combat against HIV/AIDS was acknowledged in a joint declaration between FIP and WHO. During 1997 and 1998 this declaration was distributed to 72 countries and translated into 12 languages. However, during the symposium of the Working Group on AIDS and Drug Addiction during the FIP conference in 1998, it became clear that in some countries more support could be given to stimulate pharmacists to be more actively involved in the combat against STD and HIV/AIDS.

To access the English version of the International Network for Pharmacists on HIV/AIDS website, click here.

Pour accéder à la version française du Réseau International des Pharmaciens sur le VIH/SIDA, cliquer ici.