Guild Calls for Improved Access to Finance

Country: Australia
Title: Guild Calls for Improved Access to …
Date: 2010/05/09
Media Release: Guild Calls for Improved Access to Finance

(News released by PGA)

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia has renewed its calls for improved access to finance on reasonable terms for all small businesses.

In a submission to the Senate Inquiry into small business access to finance, the Guild has outlined ten member case studies demonstrating the difficulties being faced since the Global Financial Crisis.

Following receipt of our submission, the Senate Committee has invited the Guild to be represented at its hearing on Monday 10 May. Guild National Councillor Scott McGregor, and Frank Sirianni from Medici Capital, have agreed to appear at the hearing to outline the difficulties experienced by Guild members in dealing with financial institutions since the economic downturn.

For full content, please refer to Source.

Guild calls for improved access to finance.pdf