What your patients need to know about diet and prostate cancer
E-Learning (NPS News) Jul , 17 2013 No specific food can cause or cure cancer, but some may be associated with its development. Various dietary factors have been suggested to influence prostate cancer risk, but currently there is not sufficient evidence…
Why be medicinewise? Ask your doctor the right questions
E-Learning (NPS News)Reference : http://www.nps.org.au/media-centre/media-releases/repository/Why-be-medicinewise-Ask-your-doctor-the-right-questions Jul , 17 2013 During Family Doctor Week (15-21 July 2013), NPS MedicineWise is highlighting the importance…
World Hepatitis Day: More must be done to stop this silent killer
CampaignReference : http://www.who.int/campaigns/hepatitis-day/2013/en/index.html Jul , 15 2013 Viral hepatitis – a group of infectious diseases known as Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E – affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide,…
Haze Alert
NewsReference : http://www.pss.org.sg/whats-happening/pharmacy-news/haze-alert-0 Jul , 2013 Why does haze matters for your health? Haze is a sign of air pollution by fine particles (consisting of microscopic solid or liquid droplets). When these…
23rd Singapore Pharmacy Congress 2013
NewsTitle: 23rd Singapore Pharmacy Congress 2013 When: 17 Aug 2013 to 18 Aug 2013 Where: Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, Singapore Category: Singapore Pharmacy…
MPS Outstanding Pharmacist of the Year Award 2013
NewsReference : http://www.mps.org.my/newsmaster.cfm?&menuid=37&action=view&retrieveid=3779 Jul , 18 2013 MPS OUTSTANDING PHARMACIST OF THE YEAR AWARD 2013 Application is now open for members to be nominated as the MPS Outstanding…
GENERIC MEDICINES : Doctors should accept their use
News Reference : http://www.mps.org.my/newsmaster.cfm?&menuid=36&action=view&retrieveid=3773 Jul , 11 2013 I READ with interest the letter "Generic medicine crucial" and laud Dr Kim Hock, the president of Association of…
PSA’s call to action on chronic disease
NewsReference : http://www.psa.org.au/media-releases/psas-call-to-action-on-chronic-disease-2 Jul , 5 2013 The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia has today released Australians stay healthier: PSA’s call to action on chronic disease,…
PSA joins calls for educational expenses cap to be scrapped
NewsReference : http://www.psa.org.au/media-releases/psa-joins-calls-for-educational-expenses-cap-to-be-scrapped Jul , 8 2013 The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia has united with a wide range of professional and industry peak bodies to…
New-look Self Care program takes off
NewsReference: http://www.psa.org.au/media-releases/new-look-self-care-program-takes-off Jul , 11 2013 Australian pharmacists are taking on a greater role in healthcare delivery, including a greater focus on health outcomes, and pharmacies…