[WHO]: Updates in June
NewsReference: 1. http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/statements/2012/rio20_20120619/en/index.html 2. http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/notes/2012/mental_health_20120615/en/index.html -- 1). The future we want: a healthier planet Statement 19…
[NPS]: Updates in June
NewsReference: 1. http://www.nps.org.au/health_professionals/publications/nps_news 2. http://www.nps.org.au/health_professionals/publications/nps_radar 3. http://www.nps.org.au/health_professionals/publications/prescribing_practice_review 4. http://www.nps.org.au/health_professionals/publications/e-learning…
Major Reforms of the Review for Registration and Market Approval of Drugs
TaiwanReference: http://www.fda.gov.tw/eng/news.aspx?newssn=8817&key_year=2012&keyword= -- The Department of Health of Executive Yuan promulgated the partial amendment of the “Criteria Governing the Review for Registration and Market Approval…
The Legislative Yuan Passed the Third Reading for Partial Amendment of Provisions in the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act, Strengthening Our National Drug Management System and Gearing It to the International Standards
NewsReference: http://www.fda.gov.tw/eng/news.aspx?newssn=8861&key_year=2012&keyword= -- To enhance the quality of pharmaceutical development and drug safety in Taiwan, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) amended the related provisions in…
[Publication -PSS eBulletin]: Issue No 81
SingaporeReference: http://pss.org.sg/pss/index.php?option=com_magazine&func=show_edition&id=27&Itemid=192 --
Obese people can seek help via phone
MalaysiaReference: http://www.mps.org.my/newsmaster.cfm?&menuid=36&action=view&retrieveid=3634 -- PETALING JAYA: It does not matter if you are a senior citizen or teenager - when it comes to weight issues, all are deeply affected. This is…
PAC12 opportunity for rural pharmacists
NewsReference: http://www.psa.org.au/archives/12536 -- 20 June 2012 Pharmacists travelling from some rural and remote areas to attend PAC12 may be eligible to claim travel and accommodation expenses under the Rural and regional allowances scheme.…
Mackay pharmacist wins PSA QUM in Pain Management Award
AustraliaReference: http://www.psa.org.au/archives/12476 -- 17 June 2012 Mackay consultant pharmacist Joyce McSwan has won the 2012 PSA Award for QUM in Pain Management. Presenting the award, PSA national President Grant Kardachi said it recognised…
Counselling guide for non-prescription medicines
NewsReference: http://www.psa.org.au/archives/12167 -- 7 June 2012 Counselling of patients within the pharmacy setting is an increasingly important role for pharmacists as the emphasis on advice and provision of professional services gathers…
Pharmacists: the vital role [Youtube Video]
NewsReference: http://youtu.be/LvefpyLf-ao --