[WHO]: News Update July

Reference:  http://www.who.int/en/                       http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/en/                       http://www.who.int/medicines/publications/newsletter/en/…

FIP News 4 July 2012

Reference:  http://fip.a1.mailplus.nl/genericservice/code/servlet/React?encId=jXCpi6ez8YmwFHD&actId=104263&command=openhtml --- Click here to view the online version Newsletter for Member Organisations…

Mr Ton Hoek, FIP CEO named Officer in the Order of the Orange-Nassau

Reference:  http://fip.a1.mailplus.nl/genericservice/code/servlet/React?encId=2iBffZr5irQxhAt&actId=105090&command=openhtml --- Click here to view the online version International Pharmaceutical Federation…

Press invitation FIP Centennial Congress

Reference:  http://fip.a1.mailplus.nl/genericservice/code/servlet/React?encId=2iBffZr5irQxhAt&actId=105144&command=openhtml --- View this email online.Add [email protected] to your your addressbook and stay…

Food and Drug Administration plans to promote the relevant management and standard for pharmacists to sell medical devices through virtual channels

Reference:  http://www.fda.gov.tw/eng/news.aspx?newssn=8945&classifysn=118 --- In consideration of the development of the oncoming channels, such as Internet, TV shopping, mail-order purchases and etc. The channels provide more diverse…

Major Change in Taiwan’s “Regulations of Inspection and Sealing for Biological Drugs”

Reference:  http://www.fda.gov.tw/eng/news.aspx?newssn=8946&classifysn=118 --- The Department of Health, Executive Yuan promulgated part of the amended articles of Taiwan’s “Regulations of Inspection and Sealing for Biological Drugs”…

Many misread adverts: survey

Reference:  http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2012/07/08/2003537250 --- A recent survey by Shih Hsin University has given media literacy in Taiwan a minimal grade and found considerable room for improvement in the public’s…

2012 WPPF Executive Meeting

Reference:  Country Reports provided by Executive Secretary Mrs. Nariel Ware                  Photos provided by Korea Pharamceutical Association---Country report Vietnam.doc Country report Japan.doc Country report Philippines.doc Country…

Overview in Critical Care

Reference:  http://pss.org.sg/pss/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1422:overview-in-critical-care&catid=157:pss-events&Itemid=163 --- http://pss.org.sg/pss/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1422:overview-in-critical-care&catid=157:pss-events&Itemid=163

The drug price reduction scheme took effect

Reference:  http://eng.kpanet.or.kr/bbs/desc.jsp?cat=eng_news&oid=17647&pg=0 --- The Ministry of Health and Welfare has implemented a new scheme to reduce the drug prices since January, 2012. The new medicine price…