Good Pharmacy Practice-NEW Joint FIP-WHO GPP Joint Guidelines released at the FIP Congress in Hyderabad

Good Pharmacy Practice-NEW Joint FIP-WHO GPP Joint Guidelines released at the FIP Congress in Hyderabad

FIP Calls Attention To Medicines Shortages

During the  71st Congress in Hyderabad, India, the Council of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), the largest gathering of all FIP's 130 member organisations from around the world and representing more than three million…

Important Press Release From FIP and WPPF-President John Ware

Important Press Release From FIP and WPPF-President John Ware At the FIP Council meeting in Hyderabad, India, the representatives of the Canadian Pharmaceutical Association raised concerns regarding shortages of essential…

Sec. Update!(2011 09/25 )

Topic:Updates! (25th Sep) WPPF Website Updates at A Glance!   Hottest News 1.Important Press Release From WPPF-President  John Ware 2.2011 FIP WORLD CONGRESS-A Travel Grant Recipient Report Bryan    Posadas, Philippines   New updates…

2011 FIP WORLD CONGRESS-A Travel Grant Recipient Report Bryan Posadas, Philippines

The 2011 World Congress of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) is an experience each Pharmacist from developing country will dream of to attend the first time, and will be aimed for, every year thereafter. The privilege I received…

Australian Pharmacist September 2011 Vol 30 No 9

Change Paves The Way For The Future When looking at changes in practice, we must take into account that there are two major elements of such changes:the introduction of new services to ensure the viability of the profession, and how such services…

Pharmacsits In Health-Care – Opportunities To Diversity

The role of pharmacists in health care is facing increasing scrutiny as part of large-scale reforms currently occurring across the Australian health system. However, with these reforms come great opportunities to diversify, but we need to know…

High End Pharmacy Education In The High Country

The rapidly changing health environment presents many challenges for pharmacists who need constantly to increase their knowledge in the area of medication management. Now ACT and regional pharmacists have the opportunity to achieve this education…

Is It Any Good & Does It Matter?

Is It Any Good & Does It Matter? The Critical Appraisal Workshop, or Is it any good & does it matter? will be held on Sunday 9 October and explore the key elements of a structured critical appraisal process. It will also help provide the skills…

Harm Minisation Under The Spotlight

Harm minimisation is a growing area of pharmacy practice and its importance will continue to gain prominence with the evolution to a more collaborative health-care model. To help pharmacists take advantage of the opportunities presented by…