Pharmaceutical Society of Taiwan International Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) Training Programme 2013 Travel Grant Scholarships

Sep 15 ,2013

Reference :

Programme at A Glance (suggest 10/07~10/11 or 12)

The workshop uses lectures and participants presentations/interactions to explore concepts, issues and solutions about Good Pharmacy Practice. The 16 hour course consists of 8 topics focused on hospital pharmacy. Every topic has 100 minutes and separated into two parts. In the first parts, the respective lecturers will spend 40-60 minutes to introduce the current status and development of Taiwan by the topics. In the second parts, all the participants are required to prepare 3-5 minutes introduction of the current status of the topic about his/her own country or give feedbacks.

Day 1 (November 9th)




Overview of GPP and current regional   status


Ambulatory patient care


Inpatient care


Noncytotoxic and cytotoxic aseptic   preparation

Day 2 (November 10th)




Drug Procurement and inventory management


Clinical pharmacy services and patient   education


Drug information and nationwide reporting   systems


Continuing professional development


Programme venue and trainee accommodation will be united and arranged by the Secretariat.

Awardees Responsibility

After the programme, awardees are requested to submit a report (at least 1000 words to the Secretariat = Action Plan).  When we receive it, we will mail you the Certificate of Participation of joining in this programme and being awarded as our scholarships winners.  Content will be screened and evaluated for the next year scholarships offered number setting from its own country.  Also, response to future international collaboration is highly recommended (including the immediate after-programme draft action plan), and we shall seriously consider of possible outreach in our trainee’s workplace or country to provide the supporting adds.

Contact Us

Secretariat of Pharmaceutical Society of Taiwan

Michael Wei-chih LIU, Secretary

Phone: +886-2-23278623

Fax: +886-2-23967261

E-mail: [email protected]

Address: 8F, No. 74, Section 2, Sinyi Road, Daan District, Taiper City 10641Taiwan

Application Form

Personal Information

First Name

Last Name


Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)

Passport Number

Country of Birth

City of Birth


Mailling (Contact) address

Street address

Area code



Permanent address

Street address

Area code



Email address

Cell-Phone number

Medical and Emergency Contact Information

Food preference*

Allergy History

Medical History

Emergency Contact Person


Emergency Contact Phone Number

Personal Capacity

Do you need visa? (PST will assign an   special invitation letter for your to apply visa to Taiwan)


(Visa fee is not included in this travel   grant scholarship)

English Language Proficiency (1~10)



Professional Organization


Academic history

Currently Attending



(at   least 500 words in readable English)

Your   statement below should at least contain:

1.   How do you learn of this programme & scholarships?

2.   What’s your relationship with your recommend-er(/organization)?

3.   Why you apply?

Your   Understanding About Good Pharmacy Practice

(at   least 500 words in readable English)

Your   statement below should at least contain:

1.   Please read through the FIP/WHO Good Pharmacy Practice Guidelines first.   (Download:

2.   What do you know about Good Pharmacy Practice?

3.   What do you think of implement Good Pharmacy Practice in your workplace/country?

4.   What Good Pharmacy Practice you need in your workplace/country?

Introduction   of Good Pharmacy Practice in Your Country

(at   least 500 words in readable English)

Your   statement below should at least contain:

1.   Do you apply Good Pharmacy Practice in your workplace/country?

2.   Is there any kind of regulations/rules/laws related to Good Pharmacy Practice   in your workplace/country? Please state!

3.   Do your workplace/country implement any other quality improvement policy/or   project, other than Good Pharmacy Practice? Please at least state the name of   policy/project, and the unit/person in charge of it!

Introduce   Your Workplace, Your Job and Your Role in it

(at   least 500 words in readable English)

Your   statement below should at least contain:

1.   Introduction of your workplace.

– Structure

– Personnel

– Obligation/Responsibility

2.   Introduction of your job/position in the workplace.

3.   Your future career planning.

4.   Viewpoint to the medical environment of your society.

Your   Opinion and Goal to this Program

(at   least 500 words in readable English)

Your   statement below should at least contain:

  1. What do you expect from this   training programme?
  2. Besides the programme (“Programme   at A Glance”), what else do you want to see in Taiwan? Please kindly stated,   and we will try the best to arrange to fit in your needs.

2.   What do you want to achieve after this programme?

Your   Action Plan after this Program, including the Resources and Supports You   might Need from Pharmaceutical Society of Taiwan & FAPA Foundation

(at   least 500 words in readable English)

Pharmaceutical   Society of Taiwan & FAPA Foundation is investigating in international   collaboration for pharmaceutical services.    We need you contribution on the possible outreach in your   workplace/country.

Your   statement below should at least contain:

1. What   are you planning to do after the inspiration from this training programme?

2.   What support would you need?

3.   Please right down you draft action plan (if has)


  1. 1) Participants   are encouraged to fill this part during or before the end of the   programme.  It may left blank when   applying, but it’s more than appreciated to receive during the programme, or   in the report to be sent after the programme.

2). We shall mail you the Certificate of   Participation after we receive your Action Plan!


Your   Name

Your   relationship with the application

Your   contact phone

Your   contact Fax

Your   contact Email

Your   contact address




Dear Review Committee,


Title (Position)



(Signature   is required) 

Check   List

Application Form


– Motivation

– Your Understanding About Good Pharmacy Practice*

– Introduction of Good Pharmacy Practice in Your   Country*

– Introduce Your Workplace, Job and Role in it*

– Your Opinion and Goal to this Programme*

– Your Action Plan after this Programme, including   the Resources and Supports You might Need from Pharmaceutical Society of Taiwan#



#in the after report 


After   the programme, awardees are requested to submit a report (at least 1000 words   to the Secretariat).  Content will be   screened and evaluated for the next year scholarships offered number setting   from its own country.  Also, response   to future international collaboration is highly recommended (including the   immediate afer-programme draft action plan), and we shall seriously consider   of possible outreach in our trainee’s workplace or country to provide the   supporting adds.

□  I understand the responsibilities, and I will do   my best to complete this responsibilities.


□  I declare that the information I have submitted in   this application is true.


(Signature   is required)