World Health Summit Regional Meeting – Asia 2015


WHS Regional Meeting – Asia 2015


WHS Regional Meeting in Kyoto

Special Topics at the Regional Meeting

4 symposium / 4 keynotes lecture /1 poster session /2 special lecture

The purpose of this meeting is to encourage trans-disciplinary discussion with special emphasis on the social responsibility of medical academia. 

The program will be organized along three tracks:

  1. Challenges in a Rapidly Aging Society
  2. Preparedness & Resilience to Disaster
  3. Fostering the Next Generation of Global Health Leaders

A wide spectrum of speaker ranges from the Professors from Kyoto University, Harvard School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and companies, privates sectors…are all gathered in Kyoto on 13-14th April 2015.

If you’ve already missed the summit, you may want to check out the webpage and register for the next now.


About the World Health Summit

The World Health Summit is the annual conference of the M8 Alliance of Academic Health Centers, Universities and National Academies. Through the Inter Academy Medical Panel (IAMP), it is organized in collaboration with national academies of science in more than 67 countries. Since it was launched in 2009, the World Health Summit (WHS) has brought together stakeholders and decision-makers from every field in the healthcare spectrum, providing the perfect forum for exchange with experts from academia, industry, politics and civil society.



The vision behind the World Health Summit is to improve health all over the planet, catalyzing that process through collaboration and open dialogue, and steering tomorrow’s agenda to improve research, education, healthcare and policy outcomes.



The WHS mission is to bring together researchers, physicians, key government officials and representatives from industry – as well as from NGOs and healthcare systems all over the world – to address the most pressing issues facing every facet of healthcare and medicine in the upcoming decade and beyond.

The World Health Summit is built on the stable foundation of academic excellence provided by the M8 Alliance of Academic Health Centers, Universities and National Academies – an organization committed to improving global health. The WHS also has strong political support from a variety of partners at global, national and state levels.


Main Goals and Partnership Assets

  1. To bring together all stakeholders at the level of equals
  2. To establish a unique and sustainable high-level forum and network
  3. To help define the future of medicine, research and healthcare
  4. To find answers to major health challenges – both today and tomorrow

To make global recommendations and set health agendas worldwide